Who's got their tank on carpet?


Premium Member
Who has their tank on carpet. I put my new stand in and it looks best sitting directly on the carpet. We tried a myriad of tile types, and the only ones that looked hald decent were granite or marble, but they still don't look as good as the carpet.

Anybody been successful with carpet?
Due to an unexpected change in plans I wound up placing my system directly on the living room carpet.

Later on, when I had more time and had found a tile I liked, I went back and tiled around the tank with a couple rows to frame it in.

Have mine on carpet. No problems, next time I will leave it directly on the floor so the carpet guys can go around the stand. I will also have a piece left over so when I move it can be seamed w/o a problem.
I have my 180 on carpet. The weight is actuallyt setting on 4 strips of wood about 2"x18". This helps to compress the carpet and padding which makes it more stable.
I have my tank on the carpet- no problems yet. The only drawback I can see is getting the carpet wet under the stand and causing mildew or mold. I also thought about tile but didn't want to wait for it to be put in :)
I have my 180gal on carpet.

My tank is in our dining room. I am thinking about removing the capet in there and putting in pergo wood flooring. I will probaly cut around the tank and if we ever move fill in the blank at that time. I dont plan on moving my fully stocked tank from it current position any time soon.
Had a 360g tank over carpet once. Needless to say, it is ruined carpet for sure. Aside fron it, I never saw any other issues.