Whose tank was it?

Scott M

In Memoriam
I know it's going to be hard to narrow it down but I am looking for a specific thread (not even sure if it was on RC) about a very large custom reef. He did it in his living room and it was about 12' long with very nice decorative rock covering the stand and was viewable from at least two sides. There were doors on the front that opened upward, his lighting was on rails so he could slide it back and forth for ease of access. Several tanks in the "fish room" for various functions (as usual) and his skimmer was the size of a grown man. Any help is appreciated and if I come up with anything else I'll be sure to add it.
It was stan's (energy) tank TOTM (January). He is from Minnesota. I will look for the link to his thread...something like 1700g stingray tank (its in this forum).