Why does my galaxea look like this?

I've kept this galaxea since April '05, and have had no problems with it until last night. Last night, I got in shortly after the lights had turned off and noticed that my galaxea was almost completely closed up(it always stays open). This morning, I headed off to class not thinking to check the tank(lights still off). When I returned home(now 12 hours after first discovering something not right with my galaxea), it is semi open and it's main body appears to be dying back in random spots. I have tested the water and all parameters seem fine(or close to normal).

Temp: 79.2
SG: 1.023
Ca: 500
dKH: 8.0
Alk: 2.86
NH3: 0
NO2: <0.5
NO3: 0
*used all salifert test kits*

Here's a pic(lit with a flash light).
Well, just wanted to follow up with anyone that wanted to know... My lil galaxea looks like it's healing. The spots grew greatly in size(the bottom 5th of it is almost completely white) the day I first posted the question, but most of the spots have been slowly getting smaller. Most of the polyps are open to about 70% of their normal size(before, they were barely 40% open).I think it's gonna make it:cool:
Just a suggestion...but I would bump up the alk to the mid 3's and increase the salinity to 1.025.

Are you feeding it?
I have never fed it. What would you suggest feeding it? I'll try increasing the alk. As for the salinity, I have already bumped it back up to 1.025 :)

Thanks for the suggestions. It's been looking better, and today the polyps were even more open than yesterday. I'm really hoping this recovery will continue. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
I've kept this coral once before with my first tank...and it was placed up high with only PCs for lighting. It actually came with a commensal(?) nudibranch that I think kept it clean. Anyways the coral grew new heads and spread. I used to feed it marine snow, by two little fishies, and I could see its sweeper tentacles expand at feeding time.

If I were to purchase it now however I would probably try to feed it cyclopeeze, BBS or golden pearls, and DTs oyster eggs. If I got an extra blender I would probably also try feeding it Eric's coral food recipe as well. :)