Why is my fuge not working?


New member
I have a 72 gallon bow front with a 20 gallon sump and a 15 gallon refugium. The refugium has been set up for three months and the tank is only five months old. I have 500 watts of MH live sand, 100 pounds of live rock, plenty of flow. My corals and fish are doing fine. Water levels: 8. 2 PH, 0 amnonia, 0 nitrate, o nitrite, 430 calcium, alk 3.25 meg/L, 1.025 salinity and 79.3 temp. I have a ball of chateomorpha in the refuguim with some live rock, with live san dand miracle mud. I see alittle algea on the walls of the refuguim and some worms that retract from the light in the chateo. When will the pods appear? There is a slow flow the refuguim. It is lite at night by a fresh water plant bulb. The chateo does not seem to be growing. What am i doing wrong? Or am i just being impatient?
0 nitrates? Sounds like your fuge is working fine. Might want to up the lighting and purchase some pods from an online vendor. Chaeto can pretty much grow under any light but the stonger the better. Perhaps a MH flood light from Home Depot. They are cheap and easy to install.
Give the fuge a boost by getting a small bag full of pods from your lfs (although I would have thought some would have come with the chaeto )and they will multiply.
Are you sure there are no pods at all as mine sometimes seems like that until I look through a magnifying glass at my caleurpa close to the glass and is quite surprising how much is moving about in there.
Chaeto appears to thrive on lighting of about 5100K. Read Melev's article on the inexpensive lights for your Fuge.
