why is my hammer dieing?!!!


New member
I have a 34 gallon solana tank. Its been set up for almost 3 years now and has gone through all kinds of screw ups and bad husbandry. This hammer was the first coral i purchaced and has always pulled through. So why now that i think i have everything running smoothly is it slowly loosing heads?
water params are perfect
sg 1.026
temp 79+/- 1deg
cal 420
alk 9 dkh
ph 8.0
no3 .25 ppm
mag 1360
i just finished testing bout 5 min ago so these r current numbers
using red sea test kits for mag/ no3/ ph
api for the rest
any ideas would be apreciated. thanks everyone
i haven't moved it from its origonal spot or made any recent lighting changes