Why Zoa/Palys?

I started out growing all mushrooms a very long time ago. I collected every color ricordea there was. Then I started searching for rhodactis, discosomas and actinodiscus. I mean I had them all. This is back when you could buy an entire colony, I mean 20 to 30 or more on a rock. Then I started to fall in love with zoas and palys as they took up less real estate. I finally dialed my tank in and both were growing so fast, something had to go. I chose to stay with the zoas and palys and just begin to engross myself with learning everything I could and reading equally as much.

In the process, I have met some of the best people in my life. I have met reefers all over the country and the world. Many whom I have spoken to by phone, emailed or text and have met many at the conferences we have attended. I still say reefers are some of the best people in the world. I have 2 beautiful God daughters as a result of helping a guy out not 10 minutes from my home who contacted me as he needed some serious help with an issue.

I'm a reefer, that's why I'm here and into zoas, palys and protos. How about you?

Mucho Reef
Like Mucho I was really big on shrooms haha. I still like ricordias and have a large collection. I got a neon mushroom rock and had some zoas on it as hitchhikers. They started to grow and I started to like the colors and different morphs of all the morphs out there. I love the way they look in large clusters which is why I will not frag until I have large colonies. I also agree that reefers are some of the best people out there...along with the people in my other hobby haha.
I started in summer of 98 was broke as a joke never had fish tank dove head first into SW.. there in the 5 dollar bin were zoas/palys witch was all i could afford. Started with a couple before i knew it i had a garden. i would grow them trade them for new ones and so forth before i knew it i traded up to a zoa that i always wanted. I used that zoa to trade for coral lps/sps etc..

Kinda like the guy on craigslist who started with a paperclip and traded all the way up to owning a house..

Me and znp's go way back. I have ALWAYS loved the colors patterns and i just love watching them as well as corals in general grow.
sorta like friday as well. I got into the hobby and wanted some cheap and hardy coral that i could keep. Still can't afford chalices and some other nice coral lol. Another reason was that in my tank (15 gal) they take up very little room and i like how they can mat and grow easily from only a couple polyps.
I believe it was the colors that fascinated me! I remember when I first got into the hobby, I would just spend hours and hours looking at all the different color morphs and writing them down in hopes to have them someday! I have most of them now too!
I believe it was the colors that fascinated me! I remember when I first got into the hobby, I would just spend hours and hours looking at all the different color morphs and writing them down in hopes to have them someday! I have most of them now too!

Right on
i liked all the different color morphs, and just the variances in color. Don't get me wrong alot of corals have multiple colors. Just something about polyps that are red splashed with black, purple with yellow rings, red with blue rings, etc. Love it! Just wish i knew about the prices. Every friday i do this to my money :wavehand: haha wouldn't trade it. Plus a bonus is everyone here is very helpful and makes me better which makes the experience more pleasurable.
I would say +1 on the colors. We had a lot of luck with them early and I fell in love with them. Even though I did the standard softies to LPS to SPS, I always kept my love of zoas. I think I will always have them.
I have a fowlr tank going on 7 years, I finally got a small frag a softy that about a year and half ago. I was always afraid that my tank would be able to handle corals. Now I have 3 colonies of zoa/palys that a growing at a go rate(PC for lighting), but it is the color and the beauty of these corals that get me. It is just amazing to see all the different coloration. I am just at the beginning of a great journey I hope.
At Sea World in San Antonio they have a tank with some awesome clams and acans but it was the zoa's and how they covered the tank. It looks like an undersea garden and I wanted it. Still trying to achieve it but that's my story.
To me it would have to be the variety. Don't get me wrong, I love my sps and lps as well and their varieties are amazing too, but a purple acro is usually a purple acro, red is red, blue is blue. The zoanthids and paly's will mix these colors in amazing different patterns. I don't think we have scratched the surface with the variety yet, I've seen zoas and paly's morph into something completely different than the same paly in someone else's tank or the wild. That alone create a tremendous variety. That branches off to my other reason of loving the zoa's and paly's. I've yanked single polyps of what was boring looking in the lfs just to see what they will morph into under my conditions and parameters.

It seems to me that 99% of reefers are annoyed by the naming and pricing of the zoa and paly fad lately.. Honestly I like it. It gives me a sense of enjoyment and goal of finding and having what is 'now the craze'. I don't mind saying I'm that in that one percent that disagrees the naming and pricing is a bad thing. I by far, find it fun.

Friday, very cool topic by the way. Take care fellow zoa/paly freaks.
