Will it survive an amputation?


New member
I'd like to cut off a "finger" from my sinularia's main trunk. This is still a small piece of frag that I just got recently.

Here's a pic.


That branch that goes horizontally to the left and above the hermit crab. Can I snip that? Where should I snip it? Close to the main trunk ok or should this not be done? Will it kill it? Will it be able to puff up after a cut like that? To me these look like balloons, how will it keep positive pressure inside if I put a whole in it?
I cut a piece off mine then rubber banded it to a piece of Coral. It will be fine. Use sharp scissors. I'd just snip off a part of the branch.

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The toothpick method works pretty well for me. The hardest part is getting the toothpick through the softie once you've cut it off.