will same species coral sting each other?

No ...I have torch,frogspwan 2 different ones,hammers all together no problems .

They all touch each other and have been ffor some time.
Not usualy, most Euphilias will co-exsist but the Torch is super mean. I have had Hammerers, Frogspawn and Octopus touching with no problems after a few days, but Torch seems to cause them to withdraw.
My Torch is mean too. He loves stinging one of my flower anemones, even when I think he's far enough away! The anemone has some nice scarring from one little tentacle of the torch.
What a shame . Mine have coexisted for a year or so right next to each other. The torch is even nice to my hammers.
thanx all for the quick response. My torch is still very small and I am thinking I will move him before he beats up my frogspawn or my lone sps.