Williamsport Frag Picnic


New member
Possible BAR-B-Q type frag swap, just a hangout type thing where you can talk and trade a frag or two. Hopefully it will be a good way to meet people in the hobby more so than a buy and sell event. There are lots of locals we don't even know who are into the reefing hobby that we could be swapping advice and experience with, not to mention coral or fish. Let's get some feedback and we'll see if we can get something arranged.

Event: Community Reefing Picnic
Time: To Be Discussed
Date: To Be Discussed
Place: Williamsport Pa

Bring a dish, bring a friend, bring a frag. Let's get a friendly event together!
If you get approval from the BOD you're more than welcome to use FragSwapper.com to track who's coming...even if there aren't a lot of trades. It's summer so the site is dead right now.
I'm totally on board and the club might be able to help with the event. I'm available every day in August except the 10th. Let's do it!

-Larry Flint
NCPARS/RCS V.P. of Education
I definitely will go and wouldn't mind getting a few frags. I don't have anything to trade yet though. Would be nice meeting some of you guys
Sounds good then. I'll get back next week with a date. Will provide more info then. Basic get together and frag swapping. Everyone bring a basic food or drink. We'll figure it out and post next week. Try to gain some interest. Right in williamsport.
With the little league world series coming up, I would suggest scheduling this either before or after that as Williamsport will be a madhouse.
Glad to see some interest. I am talking with my boss who lives in Williamsport and we will be back with details. This will not be vendor hosted or anything official. This is more a way for williamsport and surrounding area reefers to get together, meet, and see how we can help each other out. A lot of reefers in this area and we could easily swap livestock and dry goods if we were more communal. That's the goal of this get together. Food and drinks will be brought by anyone who intends to come. Sort of a potluck type event. Will not last all day, we want people to come generally at the same time instead of spread out for hours so we have better chances of meeting more people. Bring a frag or fish you want to trade or sell. I'll post again tomorrow.
Did anybody consider making this our Knoebles day? We did almost the same thing and Knoebles is actually closer to me (and on the way to) Williamsport so I know it would make me more apt to come. Still make it a picnic...still make it BYO-Stuff...still pick a meeting time...just get a pavilion that maybe the club could pay for (I've never priced it out). The only downside is if it's really hot anybody trading frags would need to make sure they keep their stuff safe.

It was just a thought. With my wife's health issues and a daughter that won't sit still I wouldn't drag them 2.5 hours to Williamsport (from Reading) unless I had something else planned. If not...oh well....maybe next time. :)
Hey...hold it on July 27th or 28th...I'm there already. :) (Camping for the weekend with the little one)
We had a fairly small turnout for the summer picnic the past few years. It was a great idea and fun for people who attended. We were hoping it would pick up some steam.

We're looking forward to the swap in October and we've been talking about hosting a fourth frag event during the year.

-Larry Flint
VP of Education
If someone wants to take the ball on this and run with it , I see no issue. I have been and will continue to work on the Fall event so I can not be of much assistance. I believe Larry is busy also for much of the summer weekends . It was more of having no one to get the event planned and the work done(along with the short down time between spring and fall for date making scheduling difficult) then us not wanting to do it. The BOD is small at the present so any help is appreciated and if you guys want to do the picnic , I am all for it . But you guys have to do the work and get it done. I will be on vacation for the next couple weeks so I will not be much help. I can be reached by cell or email to answer and questions that may arise and try to assist this way.

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