Williamsport Frag Picnic

Dan...I'm curious...what did the pavilion cost? I run an annual picnic here for about 100 people and the grove cost me $175 because I live here. I didn't see the fees listed on their website and I know there are "free" areas at knoebles too but it's first come first serve for those.
I believe they are free kevin. The issue is getting one in advance or they are all gone. There is plenty of areas to picnic at the park so we can make it happen one way or another. Someone make the call to knobels and see if we can get a spot. This is step one
My wife and I would like to go if our work schedule's allow. We are in Reading as well so those of us in Reading could car pool together. Just a thought.

(aka DavidW)
I could only help if I coupled it with a camping weekend...The first 2 weeks of August are too close to me (I can't ask for off easily), but August 24th is the last big hurrah before school starts so I could do something then.
...called Knoebles. The pavilions are free, but all are booked in August except August 31st (memorial day weekend). The other "first come first serve" areas are always around but have no cover if it rains and no electricity. Apparently most pavilions were reserved for this year, last year. :)

September Saturdays aren't too bad, but 9/21 some company takes over the park with over 10,000-15,000 people so even though there is pavilion space, they don't recommend it. :)

My daughter's schools starts BEFORE memorial day so I wouldn't camp out 8/31. I could do 8/24 but it'd be a first come first serve space for tables...which wouldn't be an issue since I'd be there the night before. :) ...that's provided we decide to do something BEFORE the camping space fills that weekend.

So bottom line...if you'd want my help I'd be in for 8/24, but I'd need to know in the next week or so. Other than that I'd probably still come and bring some food, but I wouldn't be too much help.
As for the Williamsport thing. I'm Jeff the one josh wanted to host the get together. It's all clear with the real boss (wife) now it's just a question of when. I have only lived in wilpo for two years so I really don't know when it's going to cool down again. I'd like to have a couple weeks notice and the weekend of sept 7th is out. Otherwise let me know and we can make this happen. And if everyone can bring a dish and their drinks we can do this.
I think august 24th sounds great but in williamsport. I am sorry to those who cant make the trip but this is more so for those of us in the vicinity to meet. If its too far too drive, then we look forward to meeting you at the larger official frag swaps. I will post tomorrow with full details. If you are far away and want to make the drive, thats awesome, not excluding you at all. The more the merrier.

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