Well, I've been fighting for three hours total now to get my computer to recognize the Mitras, and it will not. This is extremely frustrating.
If I have my laptop on, the Mitras on, and I plug the USB cable into my laptop it makes the noise that something was plugged into a USB post, but then nothing happens. The pointer does the little "thinking circle" for a few moments, and that's the climax. If I go into "This PC" I can drives C: and D: and the Mitras is not there.
I just tried using a different USB port, the "always on" USB. This FINALLY opened a window that said it was installing the device, but the GHL Control Center still will not connect, and the "This PC" still doesn't show the Mitras. Just for fun I attached my Canon G9 with a USB, and it showed up right away. I used the Canon USB cord on the Mitras, and this still did not work. When I go into "Devices and Printers" in the Control Panel the Mitras shows up as "unknown device" and Properties says device drivers not installed.
I should note, this is on a new laptop that I'm NOT familiar with, and I'm using Windows 8.1 which I am also not familiar with. Vista is on my last laptop. I'm not sure if the disconnect is me, the laptop, or the Mitras.
What the heck???