Wireless Driver Update Questions


New member
Okay, If I already have a vortech pump running on my tank now I can upgrade to the new wireless driver for $75?
Second, if I want to add another vortech pump to my tank how much will that cost and what will it also have a wireless driver unit with it? Will they "talk" to each other in order to make wave patterns?
Just a little more info on how this new driver changes things and what it will allow us to do? Thanks.
You can add htre wireless driver for $75 when it becomes available, which won't be for a little while yet, until they finish with the swapout and then start stocking the vendors with the new drivers.

You can buy a Vortec now for $345 (if you can find one in stock) and then buy the upgraded driver for $75 when they are avail. Or you can wait until the current stock runs out at the vendors and they start stocking the Vortec w/ the wireless driver for $420 (same approximate timeframe as the wireless driver availability).

To answer all of your other questions about the wireless driver capabilities, please read up here :
