Wizmaster-Where did you get your info?


In Memoriam
After what you said I did a little research. Every test I've seen of 250w HQI ballast seem to be the same, They all draw around 250 watts. One exception-PFO ballast seem to be high (around 300 watts). Icecap HQI are pretty much dead on 250...

Here is one of the test.


Maybe the older Magnetic or cheap chinese ballast had issues but from what I've read your info might be a little off.
This is taken from that page- You said "all" 250w HQI ballast are overdriven right? I think it varies ballast to ballast & bulb to bulb.

IceCap Electronic Ballast:
Lamp PAR Watts MaxWatts Amps MaxAmp
Iwasaki 651 252 275 2.17 2.45
XM10K 530 252 254 2.20 2.82
SUN10K 494 252 255 2.14 3.86
BLSW 494 252 254 2.15 2.83
EVC10K 492 252 254 2.15 2.96
AB13K 422 254 257 2.17 2.30
Ushio 414 252 258 2.19 3.41
AQ14K 406 252 264 2.17 2.32
CV10K 387 250 251 2.17 2.46
HM14K 352 251 252 2.17 2.29
Radium 330 252 275 2.19 3.56
CV20K 307 251 253 2.20 2.25
SBURST12K 304 253 284 2.17 2.61
XM20K 270 252 301 2.17 2.81
BL10K 263 248 250 2.18 3.68
CV12K 259 251 253 2.17 3.32
SUN14K 253 251 308 2.18 2.79
CV15K 242 251 252 2.20 3.85
PFO 13K 227 251 268 2.18 2.86
SUN20K 224 247 249 2.20 3.00
XM15K 187 252 254 2.17 2.83

Here's the PFO (maybe this is where the misinformation started?)

PFO HQI Ballast:
Lamp PAR Watts MaxWatts Amps MaxAmp
Iwasaki 950 355 384 3.02 4.79
XM10K 835 340 341 2.93 4.07
BLSW 702 349 359 3.00 5.72
EVC10K 700 345 350 2.99 3.87
SUN10K 699 342 346 2.95 3.36
AB13K 659 341 349 2.96 4.55
Ushio 617 349 360 3.00 7.42
CV10K 457 333 335 2.87 3.25
AQ14K 453 311 313 2.85 4.74
HM14K 420 317 361 2.79 6.86
Radium 395 311 315 2.75 3.28
SBURST12K 378 311 698 2.79 14.27
CV20K 355 321 330 2.79 5.18
CV15K 336 317 322 2.76 4.55
CV12K 328 310 314 2.73 4.45
XM15K 318 312 847 2.79 16.33
XM20K 314 327 337 2.85 3.94
SUN14K 314 327 490 2.92 8.69
PFO 13K 308 311 418 2.76 8.08
BL10K 292 310 385 2.83 10.03
SUN20K 232 292 393 2.81 10.65
I'll tell you what ...

You've come up with some data & reading material to back your side, and I have not.
I was looking for it this morning after i got to the office, but had very little time & couldn't find the ones that i read a few weeks ago.
I was pretty sure I've read what I told you - but I may very well be mistaken - so until I find where I read that, and do some more research, I'll stand corrected!
Sorry for spewing from my mouth w/out double checking the facts that I thought i read.

So are you getting that fixture?
It's not that I disagree with you-- You'r right to a certain extent. But like I said, PFO ballast and cheaper chinese ballast *do* overdrive and run "hotter" than what they are rated for (some 250w chinese ballast actually run "cooler", like 160-190 watts). The Icecap HQI seems to be dead on as far as wattage goes.

The Sfiligoi??? don't know yet..
2x250w SE halides + 4 54w T5's..... sounds like the perfect setup, well see.

Check this pendant out- badas s
