Won a coral grow out challenge. Received my winnings in the mail today :)


New member
Congrats! Never heard of this challenge how did u win? Very interesting
It's done through another forum, this was the first one and hopefully it was a success on their part because I had fun. Basically there is a start date and an end date. Starting frags must meet requirements, under 3"(for sps)/less then 5 heads(acans/ZOA's). They gave specific check in dates and you were required to check in on those dates with a code word given out on those dates. At the end of the contest they moderators choose the winners based on growth. My particular frag went from a fresh cut 3 heads to 14 heads by the end of the contest.
Thanks everyone

The corals
#1,2 - sour apple
#3,4 - starburst goniastrea
#5 - aztek hillae
#6 - orange skarn?? (Handwriting is hard to read)
#7 - pink flamingo