woodworking question..help please


Reefer Enthusiast
to someone who knows about woodwork..

i am making a stand for my tank and was finished with everything but the stain. decided on a dark walnut for the stain. well lets just say i am really regreting it now and i really want to light the stand up in flames. :mad2: the truth is that i did an awesome job constructing it, cost me a bundle, and really dont have the time to make another one just because i messed the color up.

well my problem is that i am definatly a newbe at woodwork and i definatly mixed woods. yea, i admit it was stupid but i cant go back at it. whats really causing the problems is the pine, i used a prestain conditioner and it still looks horrible. giant black blotches everywhere. before i decide to quit reefing because of this, is there anyone out there that can give me advise on either how to fix the blotchiness or lighten the stain up so i can change the color a little, or if you are the sh!t, do both :D .

any advise is welcome,
Did you try sanding the conditioner out? Use a strong sander to bring it back to the original color. I wouldn't stress about it too much. Let me know if you need any help and or misc tools for the job.
either sand and PAINT or sand your butt off and pray that the stain didnt go too into the wood..pictures would help
There is some stuff at home depot that is kind of a mix between stain and paint. I have used it before for a similar problem but I cant remember the name of it. What ever you do, make sure you test your "remedy" on a scrap piece of wood. I would take the stain you have now and stain a bunch of the left over scrap. Then, you can try different techniques to remedy the problem.

Good Luck
Eyes are going to be looking at your tank, not your stand. So I wouldn't sweat it and just paint it, don't stain it.
i havnt tried sanding the stand yet, but i will as much as possible. man this sucks, i really dont want to paint it so thats out of the question.
yea, you can definatly tell i am stressed because of this, it turned out so sweet and it took just one day to totally screw it up.

steve i might need you, ill let you know on sunday, i work in today and sunday will just be the best day. my sander is week.

thanks for the replies guys,
ok I've been where your at. here is what I did took 8"x10" pieces of same wood put on stain same as your stand looks now, make 4 of them. experiment with each piece, try sanding one to determine if that is an option, (not for me) what I ultimately did was get some lighter paint's and streaked them on then put clear coat over them and came up with a really beautiful would grain looking finish. It took some experimenting to get the right look, my ex still has this furniture to this day. oh yeah the dark blotches will add to the effect giving it a really beautiful look if done right. That's why you do 4 different samples to really fine tune the look.
Here's a long shot for you if the sanding/bleaching doesn't work...
Try doing a facelifter job to it like they do to kitchen cabinets and glue wood veneer over the flat areas that are pine. You can get whatever type of wood veneer you want and then restain. Make sure you test like suggested before. I just had my cabinet stand done in a mahogany veneer over birch ply that looks awesome!
this is what my brother has told me to do. im just not sure if itll work though, ill post you guys a picture and youll see what im talking about.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12455406#post12455406 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishyfish91202
Here's a long shot for you if the sanding/bleaching doesn't work...
Try doing a facelifter job to it like they do to kitchen cabinets and glue wood veneer over the flat areas that are pine. You can get whatever type of wood veneer you want and then restain. Make sure you test like suggested before. I just had my cabinet stand done in a mahogany veneer over birch ply that looks awesome!