To all those reefkeepers who keep swim tanks for others, please please encourage the owners of those tanks to put automatic feeders on their aquariums.
I have seen too many wild fish brought to captivity starve in the service industry, either becuase the service company is afraid of overfeeding or the owners simply want the fish for looks and don't feed.
It seems like a Cruella De Vil move to not feed the fish which otherwise would spend most its time looking to eat, even if you don't want to wear a fur coat.
Both my tanks have autofeeders and the fish still respond to me everytime I come near the tank, always hoping for a little more of the grub.
I have seen too many wild fish brought to captivity starve in the service industry, either becuase the service company is afraid of overfeeding or the owners simply want the fish for looks and don't feed.
It seems like a Cruella De Vil move to not feed the fish which otherwise would spend most its time looking to eat, even if you don't want to wear a fur coat.
Both my tanks have autofeeders and the fish still respond to me everytime I come near the tank, always hoping for a little more of the grub.