World Wide Corals

i doubt thats what they use
those are realy weak
unless they have such a high turn over that theya rnt giving hte corals enough light

or if this in addition to some other lighting
nismo, im gonna try to get a quick pic now but it is like a mix between yellow/green and very bright (like lemonlime gatorade)

now thats a bright frag!!!! sorry for the poor pic it was off my blackberry
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12592112#post12592112 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by A.T.T.R
i doubt thats what they use
those are realy weak
unless they have such a high turn over that theya rnt giving hte corals enough light

or if this in addition to some other lighting

It's in addition to other lighting but its what they use on their show displays. I have seen them on the tanks at wwc with my own eyes and I use them as well. They are powerful by the way, you just need a lot of them as the light is ellipsoidal for the most part.
ghstryder:yeah thats what i though it was i have two of those same frags. really cool. nice pieces... well anyone need anything from world wide i leaving saturday realy early in the morning so if you need me to pick anything up just let me know....
I noticed the LEDs and had them turn all of them off. All the corals appeared to be the same in color and all the corals I bought still have the same color under my t5's.


Julio, Pick me up anything from there. I appreciate the nice gift you are getting me. JK, Have a great time and take lots of pictures.
im here... well i passed by world wide and likealways there selection is pretty good...those show tanks are incredible, they make want to start over.....well ill be there tommorrow again to pick up my buy..... :)