Worm help, camera help.


New member
My first problem I have is that I am seeing some worms in the tank. They are about an inch long, redish, with white fluffs on the backs. Are they good or bad?

The second problem is that I was trying to take a picture of these worms with my digital camera & I cannot get it to focus on things inside the tank. Any suggestions?

Do you have a macro or close-up setting on your camera? Also, you might want to try using your flash with the camera right against the tank to avoid a reflection. This would be done on a macro setting, ideally. Tinker with it, usually people take about 500 pictures on a bunch of different settings before they have a few good pictures ;)

Not sure about the worms. If you're lucky, they're Christmas tree worms! Let's hope for Xmas tree worms :)
Sounds like Bristle worms. Some people think they are bad because they confuse them with fireworms which sting humans' bare fingers. But bristleworms are excellent detrivores, just remember to wear gloves in your tank if you move live rock around.

I have many in my tank that come out during feeding and at night to keep the sand clean. I have had NO problems.
Bristleworms don't cause much of a problem (and what you described sounds just like bristleworms.) Like sipe said they're beneficial. I am a grown man and still think they're a little creepy though when they reach 3-4 inches or more.
I would say that it's probably a bristleworm. I have 100's of them in my tank already! I wouldn't worry about them.

It's pretty hard taking close up pics of the tank unless you have a camera that you can go full manual with. Just mess around with the White Balance and the Macro settings until you get something that looks decent. Here's a pic I took of a bristleworm in my tank.

For more pictures go to google images and type in Bristle worm I'm sure you'll get tons of pictures of them.