Worm ID


New member

I'm not sure where to start with this guy :)

There is about 3 of them on this one piece of rock... but it's such a small tank so I want to make sure things so as planned.
Now if only I can catch one of these furry worms that move so fast. I've seen 2, and as soon as I get near them they are gone in the blink of an eye.

Many thanks capncapo!
if it doesnt move its a vermitid snail. they are harmless filter feeders. however some people remove them because they can become a pest. they will start popping up everywhere. if they grow near a coral they may bother the coral. they wont harm the coral but like when i had one under my open brain. the brain wouldnt open past the point where the snail poked the tissue of the brain. i leave them until they get near a coral then there gone :D
Asterina stars.

Some have been reported to eat corals. Most are quite harmless.

Keep an eye on them and if they cause no harm, enjoy them. They reproduce fairly quickly.
Do they do anything good? I'm just as happy without them. I would prefer the crabs & snails get more to eat.
They eat things that your snail or crabs may not eat.

They will not outcompete your snails or crabs. If there is not much food, they won't reproduce nearly as quickly as if there is a glut of food for them to eat. Something to consider is that if you do get many of them, that means that there is plenty of food for them to eat and what will happen to that food if they are not there to eat it. Can you say algae?

Last, but not least... I'm a little concerned these red bubbles are cyano. There may be 40-60 bubbles in the whole tank, and they are about the size of grape caulerpa or smaller. No picture unless requested (tank is now in it's night phase) :D

Does cy actually harm anything? or is it more a looks thing?

That is one of the bubbles. There is a pack of them on a piece of live rock. There is also some... what looks like maroon/burgundy coraline? They are not in the same places.