Worth fixing 48" MH fixture or buy new?


New member
Hey there!

I have been away from the hobby for about 5 years now and am considering getting back in. I have a Current USA SunPod 48" 2x250 watt MH fixture with moonlights that I used back on my 75. The problem is is that I had kept it in storage and while it does start, the fans in the actual fixture are not working and the same goes for the 2 fans in the ballasts respectively. I would also have to replace both of the MH bulbs and I think I remember that the moonlights were not actually functioning towards the end of the tank which honestly are not a much of a concern to me.

Now from what I can see is that the two bulbs are going to run be about $100 to replace both and I would imagine the three fans are going to run another $50 or so and that is if I can even get them functioning in the actual ballasts. If not, it seems (if I can even find two, they seem hard to find as the light is continued) they run about $40-50 each as well which could set me back about $200 to get the light fully functioning.

My main question is is does it sound like something that is worth the investment in fixing? From what I can see, it seems that LED is the new thing when it comes to lighting but I am not really able to spend $800 or so on just a lighting fixture at the moment. Would I be better off in looking into a newer MH/T5 combination fixture? I would imagine the prices have dropped a bit, but it seems the fixture I currently have is around $400 or so still.

Thank You.
Depends on what you want to keep.
Softies & LPS -definitely LED.
SPS can be done with most fixtures.
T- 247 works as does Reefbreeder's, you could use a 32" fixture.
While I have no experience many say a simple "black Box" fixtures are also good.
I was in a similar position as you last month. When I left the hobby led fixtures were expensive and buggy. I compared the operating cost over two years for the kessil 360 vs a 250w halide. Assuming 12 hours a day at .17/kwh and mh bulbs @$80 once a year I figured the kessil lights would run me $90 in electric for two years. The Metal halide would run me $532 for two years... and that is not factoring in the extra electric used by the AC unit to cool those suckers down. LED was the clear choice for me but I believe metal halides still have their place in the hobby... you just have to ignore the electric bill.
While I have no experience many say a simple "black Box" fixtures are also good.


I used these up until yesterday. I can tell you that growth was actually VERY good for SPS, LPS, and soft corals. It was not what I expected for an inexpensive light. They were over a 30" deep tank.

The colour is decent and probably easier to dial in than MH w/ supplemental light. And the cost is so low it doesn't hurt your wallet.

I switched to radions only because I had some money come my way. But I'll still use the Mars lights for my frag tank.

I still love my MH radiums (I use them for my anemone tank) but the cost of electricity and bulb replacement is too high. I have one replacement bulb left and once it's used (another year?), I'll shut the MH down for good.
I too am getting back into the hobby after 4 years and LED has come a long ways. They are still very expensive on the front end, blending and spread still are not breat but slowly improving. After some research on the newest LEDs, reviews, spread, blending, output, cost, features, I ended up going back to the tried and true 250w MH for many reasons. Big ones were cost of complete lighting, easy of use, easy of repair if a bulb or ballast fails, is still the golden standard for sps and wont be outdated by a new model in a year ei AI and Radion keep discontinuing and updating with Gen1-4 ect. So basically I know what I have works and will work for years to come. I would be killing myself If I got a Gen 1 or 2 Radion when they came out and either have it fail or want a Gen 4 now and have to spend another $800 per light. I do love the Radions and feel they are a great reef light and makes corals reaaly pop. If I had $2000 to drop on lights every 3 years I would get them.
You may also want to consider HEAT... where are you going to mount and will you need a chiller. LED's produce MUCH less heat... I would look at Reefbreeders for a good quality economical LED setup. I went with AI Hydras but thats because I wanted APEX controller integration.

my 0.02
I would not fix that fixture. It is not a good product and the ballasts under drive the bulbs. I am all for MH tanks and use them myself, but good ballasts and reflectors do matter.

See if you can find a use Gieseman, AquaMedic or Hamilton - they are quality.
I just set up with 2 Reefbreeder's 32" fixtures over my 250 mixed reef.
Par readings run from 650+ @ the top to 130 -160 @ 24" deep.
I'm a Happy Camper
Hey there!

I have been away from the hobby for about 5 years now and am considering getting back in. I have a Current USA SunPod 48" 2x250 watt MH fixture with moonlights that I used back on my 75. The problem is is that I had kept it in storage and while it does start, the fans in the actual fixture are not working and the same goes for the 2 fans in the ballasts respectively. I would also have to replace both of the MH bulbs and I think I remember that the moonlights were not actually functioning towards the end of the tank which honestly are not a much of a concern to me.

Now from what I can see is that the two bulbs are going to run be about $100 to replace both and I would imagine the three fans are going to run another $50 or so and that is if I can even get them functioning in the actual ballasts. If not, it seems (if I can even find two, they seem hard to find as the light is continued) they run about $40-50 each as well which could set me back about $200 to get the light fully functioning.

My main question is is does it sound like something that is worth the investment in fixing? From what I can see, it seems that LED is the new thing when it comes to lighting but I am not really able to spend $800 or so on just a lighting fixture at the moment. Would I be better off in looking into a newer MH/T5 combination fixture? I would imagine the prices have dropped a bit, but it seems the fixture I currently have is around $400 or so still.

Thank You.

The least expensive route would be to fix it. It wouldn't cost much and MH +T5 is the best lighting you can get IMO. BUT - I doubt Current has the parts. They are not always the best when it comes to keeping replacement parts for their own fixtures.

If that doesn't work, look into a new fixture. Your coral growth will be amazing and your color difficult to beat with the right MH & T5 bulbs.
I was in a similar position as you last month. When I left the hobby led fixtures were expensive and buggy. I compared the operating cost over two years for the kessil 360 vs a 250w halide. Assuming 12 hours a day at .17/kwh and mh bulbs @$80 once a year I figured the kessil lights would run me $90 in electric for two years. The Metal halide would run me $532 for two years... and that is not factoring in the extra electric used by the AC unit to cool those suckers down. LED was the clear choice for me but I believe metal halides still have their place in the hobby... you just have to ignore the electric bill.

You are sure about your math on that one? Why would a single 250 watt MH would cost you almost 6 times in electrical cost vs running a single Kessil A360. A Kessil A360 is 90 watts so why wouldn't it cost about 2.5 times?

Also, why run a 250 watt halide over a 20 gallon tank or 14 gallon tank? It's way too much light.