would a yellow Tang and a powder blue get along in my 26gal?


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Aragocrete or faux sand bottom for my cube?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 7:06 pm Post subject: Faux Sandbed or Aragocrete filled BB


I'm still in the early stages of my 18x21x16 custom glass "cube". It's going to be a cube because I'm going to partion the back three inches for overflow.

SPS will be the focus later on and flow will be on the high end...without getting into a DSB vs BB...I'm thinking about two options:

1) A epoxy/sand bottom

2)Aragocrete lined bottom

If I go with a aragocrete bottom I think I'll run into a few problems...first, if I pour a flat surface for my bottom outside the tank it will be sure to trap all kinds of stuff around the edges. My second thought is that if I pour it directly into the tank it will break my tank when it cures.

one plus for the Aragocrete would be the option to cement some acrylic rods in to help with the rock work.

I'm not going to have any trim so starboard is out.

I'd be open to any other options. I've read a lot of pages on these two but nothing with any long term pics or results.

i'm not sure why starboard is out if you dont have trim. i personally think starboard would be your best option. (you could even get it in black or glue sand to it if you wanted)
I think my biggest fear is that a lot of cap will get trapped around the sides and under it. I guess I could sand/router the thing pretty sharp around the sides.

Can you use pvc glue to put on the sand? I thought I read that you could if you work fast.

Thanks for the time, search has been down forever,

yes you can use clear PVC glue on starboard. you definitely have to work fast. it helps if you have one person putting the glue on and another person spreading out the sand. Dont be stingy with the glue either and use a really rough grit stand paper to scrape up the starboard before you start. it gives the glue a place to sink down into.
yes it is the same material that cutting boards are made from, though you can get them in many different colors. The pre-cut ones you find at home store are always white, but you can get tehm in all kinds of colors.