New member
I just moved myself, And looks like im moving again. I've been offered a better job more $$,$$$ those figures
I have a 125, 70, 55,30. all moved well tothis house. What we did was went to orschlands ( a farm supply store) bought a 55 gal barrel. It has a spicket on the bottom. A sealled cap that twist on the top of the barrels. Once sealed it wont leak or splash out. We went and boughht about 10 rubbermaud tubs with lids. And all the buckets we could find. We put all the frags that we could get off the rock in baggies and placed in a cooler. Then we placed all the rock in the tubs. then we filled those tubs up with water while the tubs were in teh truck. Then we put the live stock in bags and placed in another cooler. Then took all the sand and placed in the buckets. took about 5 buckets, I am DSB 4-8" in some places. and then it was the fuge. did the same there. took about 6 hrs to move it from up and runing one place to the other. The next day after it all setled down i went in and redecorated the rocks where i wanted them and frags where i liked them and everything is doing great. didnt loose a thing. Good luck. Biggest thing your gonna need is manpower. If you have that you can get anything done. good luck!