New member
What are your guys favorite wrasses?
... I don't have a lid and I heard they are jumpers...
Yea I was thinking about getting a leopard wrasse. How good of a chance he will survive is there? I don't have a lid and I heard they are jumpers. My tank has been established for 2 years now so I don't think him eating will be a issue.
Yea I was thinking about getting a leopard wrasse. How good of a chance he will survive is there? I don’t have a lid and I heard they are jumpers. My tank has been established for 2 years now so I don’t think him eating will be a issue.
By the way, are Cirrhilabrus safe to have two or three varieties in a 150 gallon DT?
Yes, but it depends on which ones. Some are peaceful, some are terrors (blue throat, scott's), and some don't mix with close relatives.
Which ones are you looking at?
Was thinking a Solon red head with maybe a bluehead (cyanopleura) or exquisite (exquisitus). If the latter 2 are bad ideas, what would you suggest with a Solon?
QT at same time? Or no?