wrong order??!!*#$!


New member

This is regarding order # 806514... my first order with you guys.

I ordered item#009215 YSIWYG Threadfin Cardinalfish, Trio, Apogon leptacanthus, 1-1.5 INCH - SCHOOL, A83

and instead received 1 (single) cardinal fish. What happened? Was he even from the Collector's Choice WYSIWYG group that I selected?

I was charged $49.95 for the 3 fish pictured on your website.

I also paid $23.95 for live brine shrimp... because I know these guys can be tough to get to eat initially... but I wouldn't have done that for 1 fish.
Thanks for letting us know. If you can, shoot an email over to customer service and we will take of things on Monday. There might have been some kind of mistake with the pullers. I think that was the first CC skew ever with a group of fish so it may have confused the pullers. Trust me we'll take care of it for you.

Have a great weekend.
Okay I received the two other cardinals from the "trio" today.... I have to say I am disappointed in their condition. Are you sure these were the collectors choice ones that I picked? Because they look nothing like what was in your photo. The first one you sent me looked great. Healthy, full belly, and eating right away. These two are emaciated, torn fins, and one has a peculiar lesion on his side. I know you guys have a great reputation but really? I passed up on a trio I could've gotten from Diver's Den or my own LFS because I was waiting on these two that were supposed to be part of the collectors choice trio. Here are fresh pics for you:



I have 4 other threadfin cardinalfish in a QT tank right now and simply am not prepared to setup another QT tank just for these guys. I had 2 choices. Euthanize these, or at least the one with the lesion, or try to get them back to health in my QT tank. I decided on the latter. Hopefully I don't regret it! I understand that you are not the one that does the "packing" but perhaps in this case you should have made sure I was sent two that were worthy of being in your "collectors choice."
Well the fish with the damaged/rotting fin pictured above is slowly fading. He continues to swim with his head pointed down and gets carried to the back of the tank by the flow. I'm feeding a mix of frozen foods and live brine shrimp, he's not eating anything. On a more positive note, the other one seems to have blended in with the rest as I can't pick him out easily, so that's a good thing!
Sorry for the late reply. We are sure glad the one is doing well for you. Of course we will be happy to replace the third if you end up losing it. Just keep us posted and email or call us when the condition changes. As always, we truly appreciate your business and will make sure you are happy at the end of all this. Thanks again.
Thanks for your response. The cardinal with the torn/rotting fin has started eating and belly looks more full. Still appears to be the weakest of the group (I have 10 in the tank now) but looks like he might make it!
Fantastic. Kudos to you for staying with it and not giving up on that fish. You should email us and we can do something special for you for your trouble. Have a great day.
Yeah I have 2 wks off so I've had the chance to really work on getting him to eat. Just fed again today and I think he's gonna be fine. He is eating like a pig now actually (Rod's food predator blend)... trying to swallow chunks that are too big for him and not giving up until its in his mouth! He is a fighter that's for sure, I feel a special connection to him now LOL.

BTW, you have some really nice yellow sun corals I see! I'm gonna be out of town next week but hopefully you'll still have some when I get back, or if you get them in regularly I can wait until later :)

Here are some nice and full sun corals that I got from you guys:

The colony in the back opened up and started eating on the first day. It now has at least some polyps open almost all the time. The one in the front took some work, including the tub feeding method, but it's now starting to open and eat in the tank when the lights are off.