Wtb 48" Tank


Hey all,
The deal for the 90 gal fell through so we are looking for either a 75gal or 90gal tank in Delware for a reasonable price. Please let me know if you have anything and I'll get right back to you.
I have a drilled 90, with stand and canopy... would be willing to let it go cheap, but it does have some scratches so I am not sure I would recommend it for a main display, but you are more than welcome to come take a look at it. I am in New Castle.
A former reef club member that has gotten out of the hobby for a little while was trying to see his 90g a little while ago. Currently another club member is holding it for him, but I am pretty sure he is still looking to sell it. I will try to get a hold of him for ya. He also has a stand for it.
Well I actually found a tank today helping another Grad sudent move out. Picked up a 75 gal with stand for only 100$ so not a bad deal. Ill be sure to post pictures as I go and when I drill it.
I don't know if this helps but I think Matt still has his tank for sale (in Allentown, PA). I got live rock off him and he is a really nice guy. Good luck!

This is the post in the Phila Area Reef Club....
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Registered: Mar 2005
Location: Lehigh Valley, PA
Posts: 6524

Equipment sell off(part 2)
#1. 90g RR Oceanic tank with custom stand and canopy. Canopy has 2 x 54w T5's mounted in individual reflectors and Gmann lamps w/internal e-ballast..
Near 'Perfect' condition.
Well we got the tank, now we are looking for something for a refugium. We were hoping to find something in the 55gal range for ~50$ ish. Doesnt have to be anything fancy and just the tank is fine... anyone got something sitting in the closet?
Becuase I am going with a fully biological tank, no skimmer, no uv or ozone or anything like that. Plus, we want to do a planted sw tank as the refugium so it will almost be a 2nd display.
It actually works fairly well as long as you have an assortment of macro algaes growing in the refugium. Plus, unlike skimming it doesnt take out all of the microfauna in the tank and dissolved organics which many corals use to thrive. Its what my gf did in her 29 gallon with a dsb and macro algaes growing in the display tank and ive never seen a healthier tank that shouldnt be for all the advice most people give. It has gotten 1 waterchange in the whole time its been set up, when we moved it to her house from college, and other than that her parents just top off with tap water and trim the macro algae growth. It has so much growth that you can take out a quart sized bag of excess a week which is quite a bit for a tank that sized. Plus, as an added benefit, hair algae is NON EXISTANT in that tank. Ive added corals that had algae on them and it simply disappears... the other algaes out compete it for nutrients. The idea of a refugium display is a new one but we have tried the biological filter one before and think that it is the best way for us to go, even though some may prefer to go another route.
I've been planning on setting up a display fuge for a long time now. My plan has been to run two fuges. One with a DSB and lots of differnt pretty plants and algae, that don't take over. This tank will be something that is pretty and isn't growing aggressively enough to not take over. But this means it isn't extracting an excessive amount of nutrients I add when feeding. So at the same time I plan on having a ten gallon tank attached to the system with nothing in it but cheato, tumbling in strong flow.

The cheato tank will extract a good deal of nutrients and heavy metals. The display fuge will look pretty, add to the biodiversity, become home to many different pods, and perhaps extract some things from the water that the cheato won't.

I may also some day add an extra bucket full of sand attached to the system as an additional removable DSB and some rocks in a dark bucket as a dark fuge and a shark tank and a mangrove sump and a whale pool and a... and a... and a... :-D

Ok so that's my plan, currently I have an empty 10g sitting on the floor in my fish room.
Hey ya, Sorry I didn't get back sooner. One of my 55's is becoming my fuge, I have another, but it needs cleaned out. Let me know if you're interested. Never had any copper, or anything like that. It does have some random silicone(used to hold a ledge for a snake) on one side, but no leaks. I don't really want your money, but am open to trades. I am setting up a 65 this weekend.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10856627#post10856627 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jocephus
Hey ya, Sorry I didn't get back sooner. One of my 55's is becoming my fuge, I have another, but it needs cleaned out. Let me know if you're interested. Never had any copper, or anything like that. It does have some random silicone(used to hold a ledge for a snake) on one side, but no leaks. I don't really want your money, but am open to trades. I am setting up a 65 this weekend.

I will trade you my 20 for your 55 LOL:lol:
Hey Joe,

I wouldnt mind cleaning up the tank at all... and if you would like help setting up your tanks just let me know. I am fairly competant at that sort of stuff. What would you want for a trade? At the moment all of my corals are still up in New York and Massachusets since we are waiting to get our first paycheck from Del state to buy our live rock, but if you would take a rain check I have some will be coming down in mid october.
Woo hoo.. got paid today so once we get the tank we can buy rock and set it up. Might make a trip to Dr. Macs Saturday... anyone from the area need anything in particular?
