WTB 75-120 gal complete setup


New member
well i posted this in the main forum but because im from memphis, ill post here as well.

Im looking for 75-120 gal complete setup tank stand lights sump skimmer pumps, the whole nine yards. anyone looking to sell theirs or know of anyone?

jim, i think they are passing up a hot deal

I do too. I just really started looking so I want to see what all is out there. I want to look around first.

I think that is a great tank at a great price but would like to see what else is out there first. Know what I mean?
How serious are you?

I recently fell in love with a 200-gallon set-up, so I might be convinced to sell my rig, but it would have to be the right deal for both of us. It would be complete, less livestock.


Holy crap man!! Looks like u have a lot of heart and soul into that tank. I can believe u r even considering it. I hate to even ask what kind of doe u want for it. That is like the perfect tank. I would love nothing more than to have that setup but can't imagine what u want for it.

It's beautiful
believe it or not, it looks better in person

I don't know how. He has done a great job hasn't he. I would love to see it in person.

Ok Mako hit me with it. What kind of Money r we talking? Pm If u prefer.

Nervously waiting....... Lol
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Let me do some cipherin' and then I'll discount the whole package... if you're seriously interested...

It'll likely be later tonight before I can get to it though.
we moved to Southaven in July 07 and love it there. Unfortunately, my job is being transferred to Atlanta so it looks like I'm going to be moving to Atlanta or wherever I can find a decent job. So, I might be forced to sell my 60 gal corner tank. I hate it too because it's just now starting to look great. Oh well, that's how things go. Marty's setup is really nice. I'm planning on using the same principle whenever I do my next tank. I'm wanting to do a big cube (150-240) and build the back into a wall with a sump room behind that wall. One day!!!!
(Moved to PM)

P.S.- Tomorrow, this set-up will (only be) 14-months old, to the day of "go-live".
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Got it.

(I'm kinda surprised at myself, for actually putting it out there, but sometimes a guy's gotta say "what the heck".)

Let me know if you'd like to see it in person.