Good luck finding many SPS frags in Memphis. Not alot of folks around here keep SPS. Now that I think of it, I haven't even seen a frag of the common green slimer in a long time around here......
Many of us here in Memphis are VERY interested in keeping SPS tanks with a variety of common and rare animals. They seem to be very hard to find however.
I have been pushed to purchase at on their Diver's Den section. The Frag Swap coming in a few weeks holds promise and I can't wait to see what folks bring.
Got green slimer, ora hawkins, tri color, bonsi, limeaid, a few green acros not slimers not sure what they are look like ora frogskin. Many more I will have a booth at the swap. most of my buddies who kept sps have left the hobby....quitters..
I am looking forward to the swap!! Hopefully there will be some nice SPS there. Then I go to MACNA the very next weekend. My tank may become crowded very soon, lol
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