WTB: Chiller

I am not sure if I am going to go with one or not. I get some temp. variation in my tank due to the heat from my MHs. Even with three fans the temp swing is still usually 3-4 degrees. As long as it's not more than 3 degrees things should be fine but 4 degree or more is pushing it. Plus, the three fans cause a lot of evaporation.
Don't run your tank so cool then. Bump you heater up to only give you a 2 degree variation then. I ran my 29g with the 250 MH over it at 82 with no problem at all. I had no sump or anything fancy like that.

The chiller is going to be a huge cost burden. They are so expensive to buy and then expensive to run.

The 4 degree variation shouldn't mess with things that bad. If you got up to 6 then maybe. But I wouldn't worry about 4.
Yeah, we will see. The chiller actually wouldn't need to run all that often so I am thinking the cost would be minimal.
I dont think turning your heater up is the answer.your heater set point is the starting point and your temp will rise 3 to 4 degrees from there. If you set it at 78 your max would be 82. That wouldnt be that bad. Or if you really have your mind set on a chiller set your temp at 78 and have the chiller come on at 80.
Yeah, I was thinking I would have the chiller come on around 79 and if the temp continues to rise I would have the fans kick in at 81. I want to the range to stay between 78-81
i keep turning my heater down, and my temp stays 79.5-80.5

i wanted it around 78 but it isnt wanting to cooperate
Check your therm. The digital ones are not good forever. Check it with an old fashioned merc one. Ask mojo about this. I suggested the same thing to him as well, and he found out that his temp was almost at 90.
I actually purchased a good old glass therm around the same time Jesse had the heat issues in his tank. My junk digital was off. That was when I purchased my Ranco which was dead on. The temp probe on the ACIII was 0.5 different than the Ranco so I am pretty sure it's reading accurate.
I like having the chiller to cover any issues. If I had the controller you have, I would have the fans come on at 79-80 and the chiller on at 81. No reason to use that much electricity if it is not needed.

Also remember that a chiller is like a small air conditioner. It is going to put a fair amount if heat in the air from the back of it. So it will cause the room temp to rise as well.
No more than you seem to need to cool, you could probably get away with a 1/10th horse, but if you were willing to spend the extra a 1/5th would be ok as well.
The larger will cool the tank down quicker, but is going to use more electricity as wel.
I have a 1/3rd on my tank now, but would like to downsize to the 1/5th.
From what I have read it can save you a bit more money going with one a little bit bigger than what you need because it doesn't have to run as long. Have you found this to be the case?
I am not sure that would be true. The larger ones will run longer, but the larger pull more amps.
I have replumbed my tank and have taken out the Sequence return pump for a pair of Quiet one pumps. Looking to see how much difference it will be. Now instead of needing the chiller, I will need to put in a heater. My tank temps have falled almost 4 degrees with the pump change.