WTB colorful Zoas: Coral Springs area


New member
Looking for some 2"-3" diameter zoa colonies or 2"-6" mushroom colonies. Have a 6 gallon tank with 18 watt lighting. Willing to drive to location, but would prefer within 30 minutes from Coral Springs. Feel free to DM pics with pricing and other info.
Looking for some 2"-3" diameter zoa colonies or 2"-6" mushroom colonies. Have a 6 gallon tank with 18 watt lighting. Willing to drive to location, but would prefer within 30 minutes from Coral Springs. Feel free to DM pics with pricing and other info.

are you still looking? I have two types of colorful zoas (frags but large, look similar to rainbow infusions) also have a couple larger mini colonies with around 50 polyps each (keds reds and a gorilla nipple morph) . have blue and red mushrooms but most are singles, glue them together and you have your colony :) Everything is pretty cheap.

nrt2961@gmail.com if your interested. Ill send photos through email. I'm in Dania Beach.