WTB Eheim 1262 Pump

yea i saw that thats the 1260 model 635gph. was looking for the 1262 900 gph. If i dont get find one here soon. I'll get that.

Tnx for the post.

JMHO... Buy it new. While Eheim pumps are very reliable the replacement impellers aren't as cheap as other pump makers. Buying a used Eheim could mean getting a worn piece of equipment that will cost you more than a new one in the long run. If it were a Hyperflow, Sedra/Sen, or Mag pump then even if the impeller went bad in a couple months at least it wouldn't cost so much for a replacement part. The impeller on a Eheim 1260 runs between 60 and 70 bucks.

Example of pumps in the same flow range:
Eheim 1260 (used) = $75
Eheim 1260 impeller = $65
Total = $140

HF 12 = $45
HF 12 Impeller = $25
Total = $70

Mag7 = $55
Mag7 impeller = $10
Total = $65

FWIW, various pumps within this gph range vary on wattage if this is at all a concern.
Eheim 1260 = 65 watts 602gph
HF 12 = 40 watts 750gph
Mag7 = 60 watts 700gph
OR2500 = 38 watts 700gph

I'm sure there are those that will argue the reliability and quality of different pumps. I personally would recommend any of these pumps and lately have had very good luck with the Hyperflows.

Again, JMHO and throwing in my 2 cents :D
Tnx Kenfuzed for the info, My main concern is Noise, read alot of post here that they are very quiet. I have a quietone 4000 man that thing is noisy I just cant stand it anymore.

Yea right!! Quietone you know my what. Piece of Junk.

I really dont care what pump it is long as it has 3/4 out and i can put it in sump. around 600 to 900 gph.

O in that case.

I got myself a Via Aqua3300 its a 900+pump.

Look em up. Ive been testing it for my 110g set up return and its been very quite. Then again I have no idea how it will be once it breaks in just testing for leaks. and when I bought it they give a ton of outlets, Im using the 3/4ths one as u mentioned.

I got it new for $50.00 shipped, you just need to look around, very very quite and it has an 11ft head max.

I tend to lean against brands the people dont use simply because I can care less for name brands....And their so much cheaper...Then again your taking a risk doing this, but thats what Im all about...

EDIT: here ya go.



Here ya go some specs thats what everyone likes...Once again its the 3300 model.

Good Luck

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Since you are out in Northridge you might be able to find those Via Aqua pumps locally. I believe that company (or distributor) is located over in Calabasas (sp?) or somewhere around there. Then again, I've been known to be wrong :rolleye1:
Ive been running for 2 weeks now on fresh.1 week salt now. Its very quite man.Just run it in fresh water first (10 minutes)because the motors(gears have oil) then your good to put in main display or sump.
