WTB: Live Sand (20lbs), Live Rock (35lbs), Power Center/Timer, 100W Heater


New member
Just bought a 29G Biocube for the office, need to get some rock, sand, a powercenter/timer and heater for it. If you have any of this for sale let me know. I might already have the rock lined up, Ill know for sure later today.
- Jack
Hey Sean, what can I say?
You got some super nice rock....lol if the wife would let me
I'd add another tank. Thanks to you I have 2 tanks, 75% of my rock came from you.
BTW, whats up with those really big polyps I wanted? Did you frag them?

Did not mean to hijack the thread...
Anyone looking for LR at great prices check out Volunteerguy's LR!!!
"Did not mean to hijack the thread...
Anyone looking for LR at great prices check out Volunteerguy's LR!!!"
Did not mean to hijack thread, and then you continue to hijack? LOL. No worries.

- I managed to get my LR and LS from a friend of Cubano's, but I am still looking for a 100W heater and power center/timer.
i have roughly 35lbs of LR that is sitting in my 20 that has water in it and that's all. I'm just trying to keep the LR cured. I'd be willing to let it go for a decent price or trade. LMK -Frank.