The quality and death rate(0-zero) of corals and fish that I have bought from members is outstanding. LFS don't come close. Aquariumart is problably one of the best LFS out there, but I would prefer to buy from members that need space in their tanks or members that are tearing down there tanks. I also learn alot from members when I go pickup the corals.
I'll PM you regarding the coral you posted. Thanks for the reply
Hey lanalex pm read np. Anyways yesterday I went to Ricks store the aformentioned and had to leave LOL there was so much great stuff.SPS/softies/yumas/blastos u name it they had it the problem arises in terms of $ not so much the money but the explainin at home LOL.
I trade sometimes but my setup is very young and I'm still dailing in aspects that I should have done from the get go / In about a year i'm pretty sure i'll be fragging and trading again. LOL
Happy reefing and good luck findin wat u need.
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