WTB Skimmer( Still looking 4 One)


New member
hello everyone just like the tittle says, i am looking for a skimmer for my 75g. I im looking for an in sump, my sump is 20L. Also it must come with its pump. I got cash now, and willing to pick up tomorrow if u got one.
let me know thanx, pm me please
i have a skimmer body i can sell you for $30 bucks if you want it. i can email you a pic if you send me your email address.
I have a euroreef that would be perfect for you. If you like it I'll take $125 for it. It comes with the sedra 3500 needle wheel pump and works great.
I have an Octopus INT-PS-120 2008 version that's practically brand new. I tested it in my sink, but when I went to put it in my 'fuge it wouldn't fit. I paid $150 shipped. If you come pick it up I'll sell it for $110. I am in Coral Springs.

Rick L.
Still got my ASM G3 (mesh-modded and drilled venturi) ready to go Saturday afternoon for $145.

Has new impellar and a spare needlewheel (if you want to "undo" the mesh mod).