WTB: sump for a 60g cube


New member
The 60 cube is 24"x24". I haven't figured out a stand for it, but the sump would have to be smaller in width then the tank itself. If anyone has something or can recommend one let me know.
I have a 60 rimless & I used the Eshopps R100 - size is tight but I think that's the story for pretty much all cubes. The key is leaving yourself some room to work with in the back - not everything is going to be accessible from the front - I have the chamber with the filter sock & skimmer in the back. In hindsight I wish I would've placed that in the front for servicing...
ReefSavvy @ macna had one of those really nice sumps with the neon green for $100. I think it was a perfect size for your tank also. Said it retails for $300 or something. I don't know if they sold it but maybe you could ask.