WTT Live Sand


Premium Member
Finally going to finish breaking down my 20g long. I got approx. 20lbs of 15month old live sand in the tank and the HOB refugium. Would like to trade for a frag of something. Anything just ask. I am in Homestead. I wanna get rid of the sand this week.
Nah gonna keep the HOB refugium. Use it for my bare bottom quarantine tank. I was gonna get rid of the contents of the HOB (minus the LR) and dry it out and make some improvements to it.

I will throw in the contents of the refugium too. Got a big ball of cheato and lotsa mysid shrimp growing in there.
If your going to throw it away I'll take it. I was thinking of setting up a 12 gallon as a frag tank but I had not decided yet. If I do I will need sand.

I do not have any frags to trade. I just started collecting myself.

PM me and let me know. I will come get it.