WTT Remora Pro for a chiller


Animal Behaviorist
Hey everyone! I have a brand new AquaC Remora Pro protein skimmer that I'd like to trade for a 1/10-1/15 chiller for my tank. This skimmer has never seen water and is like new. I have the pump for it as well. Looking for a chiller of equal value - I spent $240 on the skimmer. Needs to be able to hook up to my RK2 controller (if that counts for anything?)

Thanks much! :cool:
i have a chiller, its a current 1/10 hp and has only been used like 1 month if that. i am asking 300.00 for it and i still have the box and everything for it. but like i said, it was used a max of 1 month when i realized it wasn't gonna handle my system. i upgraded from there and am now stuck with this one.
I have a Aqua Euro 1/15hp for sale for $200. Been used for 3 months and is just barely enough for my RSM with a 150 HQI retrofit. Would like a 1/10.