xenia lighting


New member
I'm currently running my sump light 24 hours a day (currently has chaeto and a DSB), and I've just replaced the light bulb, so that I can use an empty chamber in my sump for xenia. Do I need to adjust my lighting cycle to a regular 8-10 hour cycle now, or would xenia be okay on a 24 hour cycle?
I accidentally left my display tank on 24 hour lighting for 3 days! The xenias didn't seem to enjoy it, but then again I'm not sure if they just need time to adapt. I would assume though that they weren't not designed to utilize lighting for 24 hours straight. Let me know how it goes.

Thumbs up!
It would be an overkill for you Xenia. I know my Xenia after about 10 hours of light shrivels up ready for bed.
IMO I think its overkill too. I don't really understand why people run lights on sumps for 24/7 anyway. I think that to get the best results you have to mimic their real enviroment. And the sun isn't out 24 hours. Well, maybe 18 in some places. But
you get the point.
I am sure someone out there has managed to keep Xenia lighted for 24/7 but as these people all say it just isn't natural and most times you'll get the poor end result... dead melted Xenia. My neighbor has a colony of Xenia in his sump and is doing very well on NON 24/7 lighting. He is afraid of what might happen should that xenia decide to have a meltdown.

Teach yourself good practices now and stick with non 24/7 lighting with Xenia. You don't want to wait till you have a major colony and then have it severely damage your tank!
I think xenia is photosynthetic, has zooxanthallae. The zooxanthallae are dinoflagellates, which are algae or plants. Various plants need a certain amounts of light, like our corals. In most cases, the more they (plants) get, the more they will grow. However, many important functions can only be carried out in the absence of light. All plants need the dark cycle for proper respiration and to metabolize and sythesize all kinds of hormones and amino acids to say the least. You can grow plants on a 24 hr day cycle, but it will soon be apparent that they are missing something.
Like Electrobes said you don't need a nasty xenia meltdown.
IMO 18 hrs. max
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7781056#post7781056 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Phyto
I think xenia is photosynthetic, has zooxanthallae. The zooxanthallae are dinoflagellates, which are algae or plants. Various plants need a certain amounts of light, like our corals. In most cases, the more they (plants) get, the more they will grow. However, many important functions can only be carried out in the absence of light. All plants need the dark cycle for proper respiration and to metabolize and sythesize all kinds of hormones and amino acids to say the least. You can grow plants on a 24 hr day cycle, but it will soon be apparent that they are missing something.
Like Electrobes said you don't need a nasty xenia meltdown.
IMO 18 hrs. max

well said.