I started mine low in the tank with little flow. As it acclimated (after about a week) I moved it bout halfway up the tank in moderate flow. Seems to be doing great!
Placement all depends on what type of lighting you have, and the type of lighting they were in when you bought them.
They like medium flow. I placed mine in the middle of my tank under 2 250 watt halides and they are moving closer to the top of the tank.
Wherever you place it, Xenia will always want to move up IME. It sometimes moves sideways, but I've never seen it climb down the rocks. If you want it everywhere in the tank, place it lower and let it climb as it divides. If you want to keep it controlled, higher placement is probably better. Xenia seems to like low to medium flow and a fair bit of light but it's forgiving. As long as it's not directly in front of a powerhead it'll be fine
Aight, I have a 150 15K bulb over my 29 gallon. I dont want it to get in the way of my SPS that are going in soon. So i guess ill move them to the top.
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