Xenia toxic to humans?

Coincidence or not? 4 nights ago I had to clean 70-80 Xenia off some live rock that they had taken over, went swell easier than I expected and only problem at the time was the stench it left behind, that night I had some Burger King the next morning I woke to some serious cramping and diarrhea though eh Ill never eat BK again, after a full 24 hrs of pain and suffering yesterday I felt fine and everything went back to normal (gastro wise) so I proceeded to pick up where I left off cleaning another 80 or so Xenia off some more rock, and today it came back same cramps and diarrhea .. Now Im not sure but I thought once the food poisoning left your system you were through? Yet after a full day of being fine only thing in common the day before was the Xenia? So Im not sure if it was the BK or the Xenia now? anyone ever experience anything like this ?
I never have had that experience, but it certainly sounds like it correlates with your exposure. Even if they aren't "toxic" they still release chemicals and you could react to that. I would for sure wear gloves when fragging them out of there.