Yayasan LINI: Indonesian Nature Foundation


New member
I want to relay some exciting information regarding a relatively new organization known as Yayasan Alam Indonesia Lestari (LINI - or Indonesian Nature Foundation in English).

Here is a description of what this organization does via my friend who works closely with LINI and was kind enough to share this information with RC.

"LINI is an Indonesian non-profit and non-governmental organization that works to promote sustainable fisheries, and which has a particular focus on the ornamental fish and the marine aquarium trade.

LINI is not an organization seeking to stop the marine aquarium trade. Such a step, even if it were feasible, would be damaging to Indonesian fishing communities, including many poor and subsistence fishers, and also damaging the interests of hobbyists and professionals involved in the international marine aquarium trade.

Rather, LINI works with local fishing communities to promote the development of sustainable marine aquarium reef fisheries through marine conservation projects, including reef rehabilitation, fisheries management, resource monitoring and surveys, education and other programs. LINI cooperates closely with all Indonesian stakeholders in the marine aquarium trade, including fishers' and fishers' organizations, exporters, trade associations, the Indonesian Ministry of Coasts and Fisheries, and local and district governments, as well as the Marine Aquarium Council (MAC), other international NGOs, private sector donors and international donor agencies."

I'm encouraged at the reality of hobbyists playing a key part of the sustainable management of Indonesian and worldwide reefs. I believe that it will take a unified effort to effectively move in a direction towards sustainability and LINI sounds like the perfect vehicle to make this happen. :)

From LINI's site which I highly recommend that everyone check out!

"LINI is the Indonesian term for a "œline" or connection. In this sense, LINI seeks to establish firm and lasting connections between the people involved in the conservation, business and government aspects of coastal resource management. LINI believes that the establishment of these connections and links is the best way of creating a solid framework within which coastal marine resources can be maintained and used for the benefit of all. LINI implements its program through a range of field-level services that train, mentor, facilitate and encourage coastal communities, local government, and the private sector, to more effectively manage and protect their local coastal and marine ecosystems for long-term sustainable use."


If you are interested in actively sowing the seeds of sustainability, by donating to this inspirational organization, you can ensure that will happen. Your donation will have much more of an impact than the common practice of discouraging all wild/maricultured purchases - which in turn does a disservice to the struggling coastal communities and fisheries that are responsible for this wonderful hobby.