Yellow eye Kole Tang died


New member
:mad::mad: Got home from shopping a couple of hours ago, and saw the pride of my tank sitting in the bottom corner of the tank, getting eaten by crabs. Saw it eating and swimming last night. Also lost an orchid dottyback earlier this week. Any thoughts of what happened? I had him almost a year. thanks
Water parameters were tested a couple of days ago and confirmed by SWR. Nitrates, Nitrities, and Ammonia all 0. Calcium 450, Alk 15, SG 1.027 a little high, and PH of 8
thats sad dude. no ideas that i can see with parameters like those. and nothing i can think of that would only effect the fish and not the rest of the livestock. unless a possible HH who has infiltrated and picked those off. or just an accidental run into one that had ill effects on the fish. or a disease but im sure ya wouldve seen some signs of it first.
I am having a bad few weeks with my tank. On top of the 2 fish dying, I have had two orders of high end sps and montis. The 1st one ups delayed and it took 2 days to get here. The seller reshipped this last week and I added a couple more like red planet tricolor secale. Got it shipped via fed ex and got here very fast and everything was dead. He is refunding my money but still frustrating due to the loss of a lot of cool corals.
wife called over lunch and says the lawnmower blenny is now dead. What the **** is going on? 3 fish in less than a week? could a orchid dottyback have some sort of disease that got introduced into the tank? Only thing I have noticed is an agressive emerald crab snapping at the fish and attacked an sps coral.
If the normal parameters check out, I assume it might be something I cant test for. In that case, I add a Poly-Filter to the tank.

Unless of course it is a pathogen, then look really closely at all your healthy fish. Check the eyes, mouth, gill, anus well (as well as you can).

Also, check that your salinity refractor is calibrated right (they can creep off over time, although unlikely the culprit).
Could your orchid dottyback be killing your other fish? I've had that happen a couple of times when I introduced new fish to the tank... I've never had an orchid dottybacks so I don't know their temperament.
Could your orchid dottyback be killing your other fish? I've had that happen a couple of times when I introduced new fish to the tank... I've never had an orchid dottybacks so I don't know their temperament.
hes already dead....
i cant think of any diseases that dont show signs first before death occurs. ive scoured the internet

click here
u can scour this one see if i missed anything
With the cold coming on, is the temp holding steady? do you have device to track the high&low temp? Also what is the ORP. could a pump or skimmer be failing?
Temp seems to be stable. Just picked up a reefkeeper lite to help me monitor stuff. No way to monitor orp currently. Will have to add a sl1 or 2 later with an orp probe
Alk 15 is quite a bit high, but not sure that would kill the fish.

Might want to run some Granulated Activated Carbon for a while in case there's something in there you can't test for. Also check your RODI with a TDS meter to make sure your water is still good.