Yellow Spaghetti Leather ?


New member
I have a large yellow spaghetti coral and getting really big. Can anyone help me learn how to divide the coral? I have never propagated before. Thank you!
Very easily. Just cut anywhere and trade away. I got my frag in December and the guy just cut it off his and I just fragged it two weeks ago by cutting a chunk off it. It took a few days for the frag and large piece to recover but no problems at all.
Use a razor blade instead of scissors. The scissors pinch and bruise it, the razor is a nice clean cut..
while i agree with nagel on the pinching and bruising. you want a clean quick cut. razors might give you a clean entry incision but to cut completely away (thicker areas) you have to be samurai. :D

for that type of cutting i'd suggest kitchen shears as a better alternative to office-type scissors. kitchen shears allow you to make a very sure and sharp cut in one shot. just don't re-use them in the kitchen. :lol:
I have a similar in appearance coral which has been fragged every way imaginable. I've cut it with a razor, scissors, and even torn off huge chunks when they became attached to nearby seperate pieces of LR, with no ill effects. Occasionally it'll drop a limb as self fragmentation.