Yellow tang attacking coral beauty

Just doesn't like a new face in his tank. Can you turn off the lights and leave them in the dark? Should be fine by morning

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The actions of the yellow tang and pestering I'm not sure your coral beauty will be alive by morning. I'd try a acclimation box

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IME, this is very normal when adding newcomers to a tank with an established Yellow tang. That's why it's recommend normally to add the tang(s) last.
You can get a flat mirror and tape it to the tank, so it can see it's reflection and attack it. Maybe it works or maybe not.
typically the new fish is added to the acclimation box. yellow tangs can be quite nasty, however. I've had two separate ones go postal in a 90 that I used to have. Good luck.
Thank you all for your help. As for an update i have been working from home today and I have not seen the yellow tang bothering the coral beauty. They have both been swimming around in the vicinity of each other and no issues as of yet. Hopefully they are both good now.
took about 2 days but they are both getting along great(relatively) they both swim near each other with no issues. Maybe once a day i see the yellow swim fast at the beauty, but otherwise doing great. The coral beauty has a spot it goes to for bed and is eating.