Yellow tang fins


New member
I almost 80% sure that my blue tang like to eat the yellow tang fins.
My blue tang like to annoy all the tank in general and then run and hide under a rock lol.
Any suggestions how to help the yellow guy?
I almost 80% sure that my blue tang like to eat the yellow tang fins.
My blue tang like to annoy all the tank in general and then run and hide under a rock lol.
Any suggestions how to help the yellow guy?

Not a tang expert, but sad to say....get yourself a bigger tank would be the only help. I have yellow tang and he is the "king of the castle". I can't imagine having 2 or more tangs together without have a huge tank. They like to have all the space to themselves. If there is increased aggression, it basically means there is not enough territory to go around. Something has to give.
Rehome one or the other would probably be your best bet. I doubt it likes eating its fins, probably showing dominance by damaging it
I almost 80% sure that my blue tang like to eat the yellow tang fins.
My blue tang like to annoy all the tank in general and then run and hide under a rock lol.
Any suggestions how to help the yellow guy?

I had the same issue. A dominant purple tang with a yellow tang and hippo tang both with ripped fins. But then the hippo tang got 10 times larger and now all tangs have good fins and live in relative harmony.