Yellow Watchman Goby question


New member
I got a yellow watchman goby for my 15 gallon a couple days ago, my only fish in the tank. I love the little guy but.....he hides in the back of the tank the entire day. I never see him, I have to wait and stare at my tank for 5 minutes so he thinks no one is around and he will swim around the back and then he go back behind my rock. Is there anything I can do so I can see him more often? Will changing up the rock work make him get a new home?

Any suggestions would be great!
Ours finally after 6 months has gotten use to us and will not dart back into hidiing at the first sight of movement. I think the are just that way..
It's the nature of the fish. It's in his genetics to be hyper sensitive, because in nature, they typically pair with pistol shrimp. As the eyes portion of the symbiotic relationship, a watchman has to be more highly sensitive, because in effect, he's looking after two animals, rather than one.

I've kept two of them, and neither one was all that social.
if I got him a pistol shrimp for a buddy, would he be more social? does all of your watchmans hang out behind rocks out of sight? is there any way to remedy this?

thanks a lot guys
The yellow ones I have found to be a little shy, though I had one of the orange diamond ones that would go nose to nose with me
My YWG gets fairly active during feeding time, even swimming out in the water column, but is usually holed up (lame joke). I have a larger Spotted Watchman Goby, but he is never outside of his cave in the rockwork. They have both been in the tank the same amount of time.
Two yellow watchman gobies were the very first fish we got once our tank was cycled back in September 2004. They were always skitterish, but once they got used to me (I always fed them) they were slightly more "social." As soon as I introduced other fish into the tank however, I almost NEVER saw them. In fact, I thought they had died months ago since even at night, with a flashlight I never caught even a glimpse. I don't even know how they ate anything because they wouldn't come out to feed like the other fish did.

Recently, with a crash that killed all of my other fish (9 of them) except a maroon clown, the two gobies have reappeared! Now they will rest on the sand near the rocks they make their home. Once again I can approach the tank without their darting into the rock.
Is there a way to make his hole visible, or encourage him to hide so I can at least see his face lol. Whenever anyone comes near my tank they say, why don't you have any fish? If I got a pistol shrimp, would the pistol go hide out of viewing also?

Thanks for the responses!
i have had mine for about a year and a half. he loves hiding in the rock. the only time he comes out is feeding time. i wouldnt plan on seeing him a whole lot just enjoy it when you do!
Looks like I'll just have to be patient and hopes he gets used to the tank or enjoy seeing him around feeding time only. Since I'd like a fish that I could see and I know only one more fish would be possible for a 15 gallon, does anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking a midas blenny because I really like their colors. How active are they? More or less than a Bicolor? I keep up on my water changes, test my water frequently and have a Bak Pak for filitration.
my watchman

my watchman

Cant belive how shy all yours are
ok mine sits near his little cave alot and if my hand goes in he dissapears but the rest of the time he is out on the sand eyeballing the other fish and showing his double chin if they get too close the only thing he has not done is pair with the candy stripe shrimp (alpheus randalii) that I introduced about a week ago eventhough they only live 4 inches apart!!
Mine is the same thought he was a gonner for soem time. Now 4 months later i see him every once in awhile. he only pops out and looks around for a bit then me or a fish scare him back into the rocks. Hes getting better as time goes on i see him more and out for longer but still the one i see the least.
Ours hid and was almost never seen for months.Now he comes out when he sees us looking close at the tank,I guess he's getting used to us now.