Yellowbelly Dogface

a little, this one has a good bit of brown on top.any info on them, how do they get alone with tank mates and what kind, btw that is a nice fish. thank for the help
That picture is of an Arothron meleagris, youre referring to a yellow belly Arothron nigropunctatus. The latter doesnt get as big and isnt quite as outgoing.
A golden dogface is a arothron nigropunctatus color morph. It looks like a golden puffer (arothron meleagris) on its lower half but a standard dogface on top.

Advantages: most of the striking looks of a golden at a fraction of the cost, only gets as big as a normal dogface (10" or so max vs 15-18" max on the true golden) so you don't need uber gallonage, and still have dogface personality.

Disadvantages: not could say it still isn't the true golden but either are very cool fish.

True Golden Puffer:


and a somewhat iffy pic from a random website of a yellow belly dogface.

Hope this helps...
Yep those are some great pics. I had really good luck with both species of puffer. They are wonderful pets.