
sounds like a great deal to me!!!!! Even if the filters and membrane aren't the best - they are cheap to buy at '', or something like that.

Jamie, you may want to look at that as well :)
Great choice - do think about geting refill media at bulk from '' - very cheap in the long run. Enjoy the set up! Did you buy a shut off valve/ float valve set?
It comes with the shut off valve. I don't need the float valve because I have a pressurized water tank that will support the RO Unit.
Good thinking thought.
As rainer said, even if the internals are the best, you can always get a nice dowtech membrane from which is also a proud RC sponsor :)

You'll be happy with your RO I'm sure !!

Keith is 100% correct - Dowtech is a firm who makes RO membranes - it has the greatest reviews by users. I bought the 75gpd one and can't be happier with it! And, the price is great over at the
I just realize what "dowtech membrane" is...duhhhhh
I didn't realize the price of the membrane or else I would have bought a set for my current RO unit. I bought it less than a year ago. Now I'll have 2 RO system. :)