Lance A. Lot
SLASH Member

First I would like to say thank you to the members who took time away from enjoying the swap to run the membership tables, MC the raffle, and run the CDP table. Without you, your kids, and your wives SLASH could not have frag swaps.
My fellow SLASH members, this my call to action speech. SLASH needs you. The club needs members to stand up and take some positions of responsibility. To keep the programs going that members enjoy SLASH needs leadership. If our members are going to continue to enjoy perks like CDP, HELP, and Frag Swaps more members need to become "active".
IMO the largest void that slash needs to fill currently is the CDP position. This is a program that has defined what SLASH is for a long time. It drives membership and starts long term friendships. Maybe the rules are too complicated but I believe this program needs to continue in some form. What that form is can be decided by the future CDP manager and the BOD. All I know is we don't have a CDP manager and we need one.
Another void that SLASH has is a lack of new members willing to help with larger events such as swaps. It seems to come down to a few members who have done this for years and as time has progressed less of these members are available. It is time to train some more members in what it takes. SLASH will be forming a Swap Committee to run the next swap. Please respond here, pm, cell phone, email, smoke signal if you have any interest in running any part of the swap.
I would like to mention that the position of HELP manager is available. If someone would like to take on a minimal effort role please let me know.
Lastly, please keep in mind that SLASH will need to eventually replace our current President by electing a new VP. Kego has worked an extended term as our current president and if he doesn't wish to run again SLASH has large shoes to fill.
And so, my fellow SLASH members: ask not what your club can do for you"“ask what you can do for your club. :wavehand: