I started my first tank in 1998 after I got out of the military. It was a freshwater tank. It would have been too hard to keep a tank while in the military, too much moving.
My sister in law had a tank, a 29 gallon with a stand and strip light. She kept killing stuff. One day her basement flooded and the half full tank had to be moved to replace the carpet. The tank was green and full of gunk. She gave it to me, just to get rid of it.
I always wanted a tank. My dad had two when I was growing up. He kept Angles and Jack Dempseys. I remember watching him fool with all the gadgets. He used a diatom filter now and then.
Anyway, Everything went good with my first tank. Then got another, and another. I did the African Cichlid thing. Even rasied babies.
The local fish shop started carring Saltwater stuff in about 2000 or 2001.
I was way too intimidated to even think about trying saltwater. Too much money to mess up.
I was on Aqualink.com and Grumpy Old Vet linked a thread about Southdown sand to Reefcentral.
I started reading here and decided I could to saltwater.
My first post here was 7/19/2002.
It still took me until October 23, 2002 before I started my first Saltwater tank.
I remember being nervous mixing saltwater for the first time. I think I added a teaspoon at a time in a 5 gallon bucket.
Add, test, add, test.
Now I just dump cups full and I can usually hit 1.025 everytime.
I started with a DSB and Tampa Bay rock. It's a reef tank now.
I started a FO tank in Sept. I realized I'm a fish person. Corals are cool, but I like fish.