Your natural mophing success?


New member
Hey everybody,

I had two very similar in size and skirt length zoas growing on a plug together.
the other day i noticed a single polyp that had treats from both zoas so i fragged it in hopes of starting a colony of the mophed colors.

i would like to hear from anyone who has had success with natural mophing or anyone who has good knowledge on the subject. I would like to see some pics. if you have any and chances of success in keeping the colors.

these are the two that grew together


and this is the morph. Its not fully open yet i fragged it yesterday.

Are you sure they morphed together? It looks like a more colored up version of the left hand one... I'm guessing you recently got the plug? When new polyps grow in good conditions can be fully colored up versions of the polyps they grew from :)
Are you sure they morphed together? It looks like a more colored up version of the left hand one... I'm guessing you recently got the plug? When new polyps grow in good conditions can be fully colored up versions of the polyps they grew from

No, i have full colonies of the two. I have about 500+ heads of the one on the right and and 200 or 300 of the left. When the morph fully opens ill get a good pic but the morph has the skirt and the white rings of the one on the right and the mouth of the one on the left. There just so happen to be a loose plug that they had grown over witch i had pulled up and found the morph.

Heres a couple crappy pics before i fragged it.


HAHAHA, i just noticed i forgot the R in *morph* about 3 times!! dont know how to fix it, W.E. hope someone has some Successful "MOPHS" to share lol... <-- see what i did there.